Code of Ethics


This Code of Ethics is prescribed by The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong to assist members in maintaining proper professional conduct while carrying out their duties as hospital pharmacists.

It is divided into five parts, each specifying a hospital pharmacist's proper relationship with the general public and patients, the pharmacy profession and fellow pharmacists, members of other health care professions, the hospital or the employing institution, and the pharmaceutical industry, respectively.

Part 1: Relationship with the general public and patients

A hospital pharmacist shall:

  • observe the laws, and in particular those related to the practice of pharmacy;
  • regard the health and safety of patients as his/her prime concern, and respect the confidentiality of patients' information;
  • refuse to manufacture, supply or lend support to the promotion of sub-standard preparations or other unworthy products;
  • be prepared to assist and educate patients and the general public on matters related to the usage of drugs and pharmaceutical products.

Part 2: Relationship with the pharmacy profession and fellow pharmacists

A hospital pharmacist shall:

  • uphold the honour and dignity of the pharmacy profession and not engage in any activity which may bring the profession into disrepute;
  • endeavour to provide and maintain hospital pharmacy services up to the highest standard of the profession;
  • keep abreast of the progress of pharmaceutical knowledge and developments in order to maintain a high standard of professional competence;
  • assist fellow pharmacists with information and advice;
  • not engage in publicity which would create invidious distinction between pharmacists and hospital pharmacy services.

Part 3: Relationship with members of other health care professionals

A hospital pharmacist shall:

  • collaborate with members of other health care professions in order to optimise patient care;
  • provide unbiased, scientifically-based information related to drugs and pharmaceutical products to other health care professionals;
  • not publicly criticise the ability or performance of other health care professionals, although matters concerning drugs and pharmaceutical products may be expressed in private to the professional involved.

Part 4: Relationship with the hospital or the employing institution

A hospital pharmacist shall:

  • not agree to practise under any working condition which may interfere with his/her professional autonomy nor impose such conditions on other pharmacists;
  • with due regard to Part 4(1), observe the policies and standards of the hospital or the employing institution and act in its best interest.

Part 5: Relationship with the pharmaceutical industry

A hospital pharmacist shall:

  • act honourably in dealings with members of the pharmaceutical industry;
  • not associate himself/herself with the advertisement of pharmaceutical products.